Internet Service Provider (ISP) Lookup

What is an ISP?

An internet service provider or ISP is the service that a user is using to access the internet.

This can be a mobile telecoms network, a residential broadband connection, or, in the case of servers, a datacenter or cloud provider.

How Linkly records ISPs

Linkly traces and records the internet service provider (ISP) of a visitor as they pass through.

Linkly tags ISPs of visitors as they come through.
Linkly tags ISPs of visitors as they come through.

Determining Potential Click Fraud using ISP

By looking at the ISP, we can determine whether visitors are coming from a datacenter like Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud or Digital Ocean, which are used for servers, and typically don’t represent humans browsing the internet.

It’s unusual for traffic to any particular link to exceed 5% from any particular ISP. Where we see traffic greater than this, we flag it up for your attention.

Things to Know about Click Fraud & ISP

  • ISPs are just one way of examining the quality of traffic coming through.
  • We lookup the ISP of an incoming connection by examining its PTR & ARIN records.

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