Adding X/Twitter Tailored Audience Tags to Links
What is an X/Twitter Tailored Audience Tag?
Twitter Tailored Audience for web is Twitter’s custom audience retargeting tag.
This allows you to show Twitter ads to specific users who have completed an action on another website, such as click a link or view a product.
Why create a X/Twitter Tailored Audience on a Link?
Adding X tags to a link allows you retarget people who clicked a link, even if they never visit a website you control.
This is particularly helpful if you are sharing the link across social media or paid advertising.
Users who have clicked on a link are likely to be a much more valuable audience.
How to add a X Tailored Audience Tags to a link
Generate an Audience Tag
Visit X Ads and generate a tailored audience from web tag.
Click Create New Link from inside Linkly.
Add the code to your Linkly link
In the Retargeting and Tracking Pixels section, add the X Tag code provided by Twitter into Head/Body tags section.
Click Save Link.
Test your link
And verify that X is registering visitor events.
Frequently Asked Questions about X Tailored Audience Tags
Why are my redirects slow?
When users click on your link, they are momentarily shown a blank page on which the Twitter tailored audience tag fires, before being redirected to the final destination. This process is invisible and almost instant.