Internet Service Provider (ISP) Lookup
What is an ISP?
An internet service provider or ISP is the service that a user is using to access the internet.
This can be a mobile telecoms network, a residential broadband connection, or, in the case of servers, a datacenter or cloud provider.
How Linkly records ISPs
Linkly traces and records the internet service provider (ISP) of a visitor as they pass through.

Determining Bot Traffic or Click Fraud using ISP
By looking at the ISP, we can determine whether visitors are coming from a datacenter like Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud or Digital Ocean, which are used for servers, and typically don’t represent humans browsing the internet. We have a list of the cloud providers we identify.
It’s unusual for traffic to any particular link to exceed 5% from any particular ISP.
Where we see traffic greater than this, we flag it up for your attention with a warning label on the ISP tab.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Linkly identify the ISP?
We lookup the ISP of an incoming connection by examining its PTR & ARIN records.
What ISPs does Linkly identify as cloud providers or server farms?
We maintain a list of cloud providers.