Sniply Alternative

Linkly is an alternative to Sniply.

Both are custom URL shorteners, with a slight different focus.

Sniply’s main feature custom call-to-action popup on every link you share, which works using iFrames (cloaking).

Features Unique to Linkly

Linkly, on the other hand, provides a number of functions that Sniply doesn’t, namely:

Configure a call-to-action on Linkly’s main link creation page.
Configure a call-to-action on Linkly’s main link creation page.
An example of call-to-action in action. Share a website, and have a popup with your content come up in the bottom-left corner.
An example of call-to-action in action. Share a website, and have a popup with your content come up in the bottom-left corner.

An example of call-to-action in action. Share a website, and have a popup with your content come up in the bottom-left corner.

Features Shared By Linkly & Sniply

Features Unique to Sniply

Fundamentally, Sniply’s main selling feature is the ability to attach a popup to links you share. This can be particularly valuable if you are sharing other people’s content on social media.

Sniply’s ability to add a popup onto other people’s content is its main feature
Sniply’s ability to add a popup onto other people’s content is its main feature

Sniply also has a different ‘link creation’ tool, focussed on the CTA:

Track 1000 monthly clicks with all features included.

No credit card required