What is QR Code Error Correction?

QR codes are ubiquitous in modern technology, offering a quick and efficient method to share information by simply scanning with a smartphone or scanner

One of the key features that make QR codes robust and reliable is their built-in error correction capability. But what exactly is QR code error correction, and why is it so important?

Understanding QR Code Error Correction

Error correction in QR codes ensures that the data encoded within the code can still be read accurately even if the QR code is partially damaged or obscured. This is achieved through the use of Reed-Solomon error correction algorithms, which are highly effective in detecting and correcting errors in data transmission and storage.

QR codes have four levels of error correction, each designed to offer a balance between data capacity and error resilience. These levels are:

  1. Level L (Low): Can correct up to 7% of the data.
  2. Level M (Medium): Can correct up to 15% of the data.
  3. Level Q (Quartile): Can correct up to 25% of the data.
  4. Level H (High): Can correct up to 30% of the data.

The higher the error correction level, the more resilient the QR code is to damage or distortion. However, higher error correction levels also reduce the amount of data that can be stored in the QR code.

Selecting the error correction level is often an option inside a QR code generator.

How Error Correction Works

When a QR code is generated, additional data bits are added based on the chosen error correction level. These extra bits are not part of the original data but are used to reconstruct the data if parts of the QR code become unreadable. Here’s a simplified breakdown of the process:

  1. Data Encoding: The original data is encoded into binary form.
  2. Error Correction Coding: Based on the chosen error correction level, additional error correction bits are calculated and added to the data.
  3. Data Placement: Both the data and error correction bits are arranged in the QR code’s matrix.

When a QR code is scanned, the scanner reads the pattern and uses the error correction bits to verify the data. If any part of the QR code is damaged, the error correction algorithm can use the redundant bits to reconstruct the missing or corrupted parts, ensuring that the correct data is retrieved.

Practical Applications of Error Correction

The error correction feature of QR codes is crucial in various scenarios:

The error correction feature of QR codes is crucial in various scenarios:

  • Physical Damage: QR codes on physical objects may suffer from wear and tear, scratches, or partial obscuration. Error correction allows the QR code to remain functional even in such conditions.
  • Distorted Images: Scanning conditions may not always be ideal. Blurry images, low lighting, or angle distortions can affect the readability of a QR code. Error correction helps mitigate these issues.
  • Decorative QR Codes: Sometimes, QR codes are designed with logos or other artistic modifications that intentionally obscure parts of the code. High levels of error correction enable these creative designs to remain scannable.


Error correction is a fundamental feature that enhances the robustness and reliability of QR codes. By incorporating redundant data bits, QR codes can tolerate damage and distortion, ensuring that the encoded information can still be accurately read under various conditions. Understanding the principles and levels of error correction helps in choosing the right QR code configuration for different applications, balancing between data capacity and error resilience.

Whether for marketing, logistics, or personal use, leveraging the error correction capabilities of QR codes can significantly improve their functionality and user experience.

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