Do QR Codes Expire? Here's Everything You Need to Know

QR codes have become ubiquitous, appearing on everything from advertisements to product packaging.

They serve as a bridge between the physical and digital worlds, making information access seamless and convenient.

But with their widespread use, a common question arises: do they expire?

The Basics: Do QR Codes Expire?

In simple terms, most QR codes do not expire. Their longevity and functionality depend on the type of QR code and how it was created.

Here's a breakdown of the types of QR codes and their characteristics regarding expiration.

Types of QR Codes

There are two main types of QR codes: Static QR Codes and Dynamic QR Codes.

  1. Static QR Codes

    • Definition: Once created, the information encoded in a static QR code cannot be changed. It always leads to the same content, such as a URL, text, or contact information.
    • Use Cases: Ideal for situations where the information does not need to be updated, such as personal contact details or product labels.
    • Longevity: Static QR codes do not expire. However, if the linked content becomes unavailable (e.g., the URL is deactivated), the QR code will lead to an inaccessible page.
  2. Dynamic QR Codes

    • Definition: These codes allow the encoded information to be updated even after the QR code has been printed. They typically redirect to a URL that can be changed as needed.
    • Use Cases: Perfect for marketing campaigns, event information, and any scenario where the content might change over time.
    • Longevity: While dynamic QR codes themselves do not expire, their functionality can be influenced by the service provider’s settings and subscription status. Some providers may limit the number of scans or set expiration conditions based on subscription plans.

Do Static QR Codes Expire?

No, static QR codes do not expire. They remain functional as long as the physical QR code is undamaged and the linked content is accessible. Factors that can impact their functionality include:

  • Physical Damage: Wear and tear or damage to the QR code can make it unscannable.
  • Content Accessibility: If the URL or data linked to the QR code is removed or becomes inactive, the QR code will no longer lead to the intended destination.

Do Dynamic QR Codes Expire?

Dynamic QR codes offer greater flexibility compared to static ones. While they do not have a strict expiration date, their functionality can be subject to:

  • Service Provider Settings: Some providers may impose limits on the number of scans or set conditions based on subscription plans.
  • Subscription Status: If you fail to maintain your subscription with the QR code service provider, the dynamic QR code may become inactive.

Creating a Non-Expiring QR Code

To ensure your QR code remains functional and effective, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the QR Code Type: Decide whether you need a static or dynamic QR code based on your use case.
  2. Choose a Reputable Generator: Use a reliable QR code generator known for its stability and longevity. We recommend Linkly, of course!
  3. Enter Your Data: Input the required information, such as a URL or text.
  4. Customize Your QR Code: Adjust the color, shape, and design to match your branding.
  5. Set Error Correction: Ensure your QR code remains scannable even if slightly damaged.
  6. Test Before Finalization: Verify that the QR code leads to the correct content.
  7. Download and Deploy: Download your QR code in the desired format for digital or print use.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a QR code last?

As long as the linked content remains active, a QR code will continue to work.

Linkly's QR codes can be set to expire.

How permanent are QR codes?

Static QR codes are permanent and do not expire. Dynamic QR codes are editable and depend on the service provider’s settings. All of Linkly's QR codes are editable.

What QR code does not expire?

Static QR codes, also known as permanent QR codes, do not expire.

How do I reactivate my expired QR code?

For dynamic QR codes, reactivate by renewing your subscription or upgrading your plan with the service provider.

Can I use my old QR code?

Yes, if you created a dynamic QR code, you can redirect it to a new page or content.

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