Rebrandly Alternative
Linkly is an alternative to Rebrandly & Bitly Enterprise.
Linkly is a custom URL shortener, that allows you to use your own domain to shorten links.
Links shortened with Linkly:
- Have higher click-through rates, as users can see who’s behind a link (unlike generic links).
- Spread brand awareness, even if your link isn’t actually clicked.
- Provide detail metrics and tracking.
Both Linkly and Rebrandly offer the opportunity to edit social meta tags (Open Graph), and add retargeting pixels to links.
Linkly also offers a number of additional redirect options:
- Redirect by country (georedirection)
- Redirect by device (i.e. Android/iPhone/Desktop etc)
- Link rotation (easily split traffic between several destinations)
Both Linkly & Rebrandly have free plans with all features included, and both have plugins for Firefox & Chrome.
Both Linkly & Rebrandly have integration with Zapier.
Adding a Domain to Linkly or Rebrandly
Using any custom URL shortener requires you to add your domain.
If you already have a domain, you’ll need to login to your domain provider’s website and add a CNAME record that points to either Linkly or Rebrandly.
That’s pretty much all that’s necessary.
Linkly & Rebrandly - Pricing
Both offer similar pricing and free plans, with paid plans starting at $29 per month.